Are You the Right Company?

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Are You the Right Company? We often tell kids and young adults to find the right company of friends, but rarely encourage them to focus on being the right company themselves. This blog explores the importance of self-reflection, personal growth, and cultivating qualities that attract meaningful relationships, reminding us that the right company starts from within.

Are You the Right Company?

In our efforts to guide kids and young adults, we often emphasize the importance of being in the right company. We tell them to choose their friends wisely, to avoid bad influences, and to seek out people who align with their values. But do we ever pause to ask a crucial question: Are you the right company?

We tend to focus on external influences—assuming others are the problem. However, the real challenge lies in self-reflection. How often do we teach our kids to assess their own behavior, character, and the energy they bring into relationships?

The truth is, being in the right company starts with being the right company. It's about developing the qualities that attract the right kind of friendships and environments. Are you kind? Reliable? Supportive? Honest? These qualities, when cultivated, naturally draw similar people into your life.

This shift in mindset—from seeking to being—is crucial. Instead of seeing relationships as transactional or conditional, we should encourage young people to focus on self-improvement and authenticity. When they become the right company, the right people will follow.

As a final thought, ask yourself: Am I the kind of person I would want to be friends with? When we focus on becoming the best version of ourselves, we naturally attract others who uplift and support us. So, instead of searching for the right company, start by being it.